Rules of ethical cooperation

Rules of ethical cooperation

Please be advised that T-Mobile Polska implements a Code of Conduct. This also applies to relationships with Suppliers. Specific points related to this area are presented below.



T-Mobile Polska employees may not disclose to the suppliers any personal information of other employees, customers, or business partners of our Company.

Information about T-Mobile Polska customers and the personal data of the T-Mobile Polska employees, our business partners and agents are subject to the protection of personal data. Such information cannot be disclosed to persons outside of T-Mobile Polska, including friends, family, relatives, personal or business acquaintances, customers, suppliers or others, without specific permission. (1)



One of the principles of our Code of Conduct is to prohibit our employees from forming business contacts and entering into agreements on behalf of T-Mobile Polska in the cases where a member(s) of that employee’s family would be a party to the agreement.

Employees cannot submit recommendations or make decisions regarding T-Mobile Polska’s initiation of collaboration with any individual or entity in which the employee, a close member of the employee’s family or other person close to the employee has a financial interest, has entered into a commercial agreement or is under a contract of employment.

Employees, close members of their families or otherwise close persons cannot possess financial interests in T-Mobile Polska suppliers, customers, or competitors without the knowledge of T-Mobile Polska. (1.2)



T-Mobile Polska staff have a permanent obligation to inform the Company of any conflicts of interest that may arise between their employment at T-Mobile Polska and a possible connection with a Supplier.

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest before making a commitment on behalf of T-Mobile Polska regarding the establishment of a business relationship or employment is the key to maintaining full compliance with the provisions of the Code of Conduct. (1.3)


Our employees are required to treat suppliers according to the principles of honesty and in a manner that does not limit competitiveness. They are strictly prohibited from offering any material benefits to or receiving any material benefits from Suppliers.

[...] The Company, its employees and agents shall treat customers, business partners and suppliers fairly, without acting against the rules of free competition and limiting the free market economy. [...]

It is unacceptable to make payments or transfer or receive other material benefits in any form, directly or indirectly, in order to obtain or maintain business, or to obtain a favourable decision for T-Mobile Polska. (1.4)



Please be advised of the rules of the giving and receiving of gifts and gadgets by the Business Partners and Suppliers of T-Mobile Polska

Employees working in T-Mobile Polska procurement positions may not, without the prior consent of their supervisor, accept gifts exceeding a gross value of PLN 200 from suppliers bound to T-Mobile Polska by contracts or tenderers participating in tenders.

Official T-Mobile Polska promotional gadgets must be used for their intended purposes and in the appropriate volumes. (1.5)



T-Mobile Polska treats invitations to parties, events and trips as benefits resulting from the position occupied by the employee, and as such they cannot be accepted without the knowledge and approval of a supervisor.

[...] Employees may not initiate any or accept invitations that hold any obligation of reciprocity or of making a favourable decision. [...]

Prior written consent from a supervisor is required if a T-Mobile Polska employee is offered a free trip by customers, suppliers or bidders. (1.6)



We kindly ask T-Mobile Polska Contractors to verify, before signing a contract, if the person representing T-Mobile Polska has appropriate permissions to conclude the contract.

[...] Employees cannot sign documents on behalf of the Company or bind the Company with contracts unless they are authorized to do so. [...] (1.7)



T-Mobile Polska ensures high ethical standards in the workplace, requiring all employees to:

[...] Treat with respect every employee, co-worker and representative of customers, suppliers and contractors by showing them attention, courtesy and respecting their personal dignity.

[...] Treat all employees, colleagues, customers, suppliers and contractors equally. (1.8)



In addition, each Agreement concluded with T-Mobile Polska includes an anti-corruption clause, the contents of which are presented below:

  1. The Parties mutually agree that neither Party's employees are allowed to give or receive any material or personal benefits related to this agreement.
  2. The Parties mutually agree that granting or accepting of material or personal benefits by the employees of either Party in order to influence the content, conclusion and execution of this agreement to the detriment of a given Party is a violation of the provisions of section 1.
  3. In the event of breach of any of the provisions of this paragraph by either Party, the Parties shall take immediate action to remove the adverse effects of the activities by the Party, and if an understanding is not reached within 30 days from the date of disclosure set out in point 2 of this paragraph, either Party shall have the right to terminate the agreement without notice and request coverage of losses related to its termination.