T-Mobile with the second largest range of fibre-optic services in Poland.


Cooperation with Światłowód Inwestycje is part of a long-term strategy under which we are constantly expanding the range of convergent services and offer customers exactly the services they need and expect, regardless of the fixed or mobile technology they choose - said Andreas Maierhofer, CEO of T‑Mobile Polska. Thanks to the new agreement we will already reach 4.7 million customers, which means that T‑Mobile already has the second largest range of optical fibre services in Poland.

This is an important moment for us, because 4 months after the commencement of operational activity, we finalized the talks and signed a contract with a key Partner. T‑Mobile is our strategic client, and at the same time a stable, experienced operator who decided to trust us. We are already working on expanding the range of our network, thanks to which the fast, fiber-optic Internet will become more accessible, and the user will be able to choose the best offer. This step is part of our mission to reach areas that are difficult to invest in, and therefore digitally excluded. We invite more operators to cooperate - said Magdalena Russyan, Member of the Management Board for Operations at Światłowód Inwestycje.

Światłowód Inwestycje is the country's largest independent, exclusively wholesale and open-source fiber optic network operator in the FTTH standard, which currently manages a fiber-optic network reaching nearly 730,000 households in the country. In the coming years, it plans to build another 1.7 million fiber optic lines, thus increasing the network coverage to 2.4 million households and offices. The links will be built primarily in areas where modern infrastructure is lacking today. Under the agreement, T‑Mobile will gain access to the entire current and future Światłowód Inwestycje network, where it will be able to offer its customers its own services throughout Poland.

Thanks to the agreement with Światłowód Inwestycje, T-Mobile has gained access to 730,000 households in single- and multi-family buildings, increasing the service reach to 4.7 million households in Poland.
